Do you ever have those days where you wake up and everything is off? You know what I’m talking about…THAT kind of day, when you feel drained, cranky, forgetful, and extremely sensitive. You check: you got a good night’s sleep, you’re exercising, hormones aren’t the culprit, and you ate well last night.
What gives?
Our interactions with others can have a huge impact on how we feel.
Daily, we are bombarded by information from the news, Internet, and social media. We get advice from well-intentioned co-workers, friends, and family members. There are the folks who aren’t so well-intentioned, you know the ones I am talking about; those that you try to avoid bumping into in the checkout. Later, you’re cooking dinner and remember that you have to make a meal for your son’s entire hockey team tomorrow. And our own voices join the general din, often going unnoticed and not extending the same love and light towards ourselves that we make a practice of sharing with others.
The daily grind can cause us to operate the way a computer does when it has too many windows open at the same time, too many programs operating at once, or the memory is just running out of space.
Eventually something is going to give.
But, what if it doesn’t have to?
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