How to Develop Your Clairaudience Easily

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

One of the questions I get asked frequently as an intuitive is: how can I develop my psychic senses? I’ve written several articles about other clairs. Today, the focus is on development of clairaudience or clear hearing.

To recap, the psychic sense of clairaudience often happens inside the brain as an intrusive thought, or in more rare cases, outside the ear as we would typically process hearing. Usually the latter happens when our guides really want our attention.

How to Develop Clairaudience Easily

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Clairaudience: Can you hear me?

Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash

What do you think of when you hear the word, clairaudience? Hearing? Music? The movies? Disembodied voices commanding an unfortunate soul to carry out their sinister orders? Angels appearing clearly before you and sharing messages?

Reality is not as thrilling as what Hollywood would like us to believe. 

In truth, clairaudience often sounds like our own voice, in our own heads. The same voice we use when we are thinking through a problem or talking to ourselves in the aisles of the Piggly Wiggly. Clairaudience isn’t as bombastic as we may anticipate, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t enriching, powerful, or exciting in its own way.

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