Are you a Night Worker? Stories and Signs

Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

If you’re intrigued by dreams, astral-projection, or lucid dreaming, you may be familiar with the concept of night working. Perhaps you identify as a night worker yourself.

Night workers, not to be confused with light workers, play an important duty in the dream world. 

A night worker’s evening may look something like this: You go to sleep, begin your dream time, and find yourself in a nursing home, a hospital, a therapist’s office, a classroom, maybe even outside-and quite simply, you help people who need it.

night work = astral projection + healing work

Night workers’ nights can mirror their days. Therapists hold spaces for clients. Teachers help children. Doctors operate. Mediums cross over the deceased. Reiki masters heal.

The exception is, these healers may or may not know their night clients. Oftentimes night workers are helping total strangers.

Unless they aren’t.

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