Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

Happy Summer Solstice! 

Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere signifies warm days ahead, and the joy-filled energy that comes with our abundant summer days. This is a wonderful time to break out your Tarot decks, and check into your personal energies, focusing on how the sun’s influence is impacting your vibrant days ahead.

Attached is a Summer Solstice Tarot Spread to guide you through the gateway to the sunny days, weeks, and months ahead! If you’d like to see elements of this spread in action, check out the link below to a quick YouTube pick-a-card reading. Use the questions in each section as a guideline, or create your own.


Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

Are You a Crystal Empath?

woman surrounded by crystal energy
Photo by Touann Gatouillat Vergos on Unsplash

Crystals have fascinated humans for centuries. Their beauty both captivates and inspires, while in ancient cultures crystals’ rarity suggested a Divine healing purpose. To this day we bring crystals into our homes, places of work, our vehicles, and adorn our bodies with them. For some, crystals are pretty objects. For others there is a deeper connection- for empaths, the ability to sense the frequencies of crystals illustrates a profound energetic interconnection. Sometimes referred to as a crystal sensitive or crystal intuitive, a crystal empath is someone who can connect with the energetic frequency of crystals. Crystal empaths may experience this connection in a variety of ways, but it is most often felt through the intuitive sense of clairsentience. To better understand this unique intuitive gift, let’s talk crystals.

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Cutting Cords

Photo by Vitaliy Rigalovsky on Unsplash

We’ve all been there, in that space where you can’t shake someone from your head. 

Those unwanted intrusive thoughts that keep popping up over a spat with a sibling, or long term family drama with a parent. Perhaps it’s an unresolved romantic relationship occupying your mental real-estate, or a long-term friend who has wounded you. You may be stuck in workplace drama, surrounded by difficult administrators, narcissistic coworkers, or challenging clients. Or maybe someone from your childhood has been living in your headspace, rent-free for the last 30 years! 

Any situationship or relationship that stirs up feelings of distress, disappointment, or even trauma can be addressed in a cord cutting session. 

Cord cutting sessions happen to be my favorite intuitive healing practice as a clinician, and as a client nothing makes me more light and clear-headed!

So, what are cord cutting sessions and how do they work?

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Honing Your Psychic Sensitivity

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Are you new to intuitive development? How can you supercharge your psychic sensitivity? You aren’t limited in options! The sheer volume of information on strengthening clairs, meditation for opening chakras, and processes to cleanse your aura is staggering. Perhaps, you’ve partner-practiced boosting your ESP, taken workshops on mediumship, or cleaned up your diet to clear your channeling abilities. While some practices become part of your daily routine, others likely go right into the bin.

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The Aura Cleanse Spread

Tarot Spread for Aura Cleansing
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Do you ever have those days where you wake up and everything is off? You know what I’m talking about…THAT kind of day, when you feel drained, cranky, forgetful, and extremely sensitive. You check: you got a good night’s sleep, you’re exercising, hormones aren’t the culprit, and you ate well last night.

What gives?

Our interactions with others can have a huge impact on how we feel.

Daily, we are bombarded by information from the news, Internet, and social media. We get advice from well-intentioned co-workers, friends, and family members. There are the folks who aren’t so well-intentioned, you know the ones I am talking about; those that you try to avoid bumping into in the checkout. Later, you’re cooking dinner and remember that you have to make a meal for your son’s entire hockey team tomorrow. And our own voices join the general din, often going unnoticed and not extending the same love and light towards ourselves that we make a practice of sharing with others.

The daily grind can cause us to operate the way a computer does when it has too many windows open at the same time, too many programs operating at once, or the memory is just running out of space.

Eventually something is going to give.

But, what if it doesn’t have to? 

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Spring Cleaning: A Seasonal Tarot Spread

At the time of this writing, it is inches from April, still snowing and the temperature has a windchill of 2° F. 

Even though Mother Nature hasn’t gotten the memo yet, it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

Despite winter’s lingering grip, we’ve crossed Ostara’s threshold and change is in the brisk air. Change comes in all forms, whether we embrace it with open arms or not. That is one of Tarot’s gifts, the ability to see within and examine where we might need to transform, creating space for beautiful new energies.

I designed this Spring Cleaning Tarot Spread with the idea of transitions in mind, moving from winter’s grasp into spring’s embrace. With this softening comes the idea of letting go. Opening the windows and releasing stagnant air, decluttering our homes and spaces, and welcoming fresh new opportunities and perspectives.

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Clair what? Clairgustance and Clairalience

Photo by Angélica Echeverry on Unsplash

Most of us are familiar with the terms clairvoyance or clairaudience. These are commonly recognized spiritual, psychic, or intuitive senses. But, how familiar are you with clairgustance? Clairalience?

Our body relies on our five main senses in the 3-D to take in information and make sense of the environment around us. Our spirit senses operate much in the same manner. Often, your strongest day-to-day sense is mirrored in your psychic senses. For instance, an artist is visual, relying on their eyes to create. Their strongest spirit sense is often clairvoyance, or “clear seeing.” A musician uses their ears, and is likely clairaudient or uses their sense of “clear hearing” to perceive information that is from outside and unseen stimuli. 

To learn more about clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance, check out the link to those intuitive development topics!

Clairgustance and clairalience function in much the same way as their sister senses do. Because they have to do with our sense of smell and taste, they are often overlooked, in favor of the more bombastic senses like clairvoyance. However, these two senses can be absolutely huge for folks who have developed them, providing a rich source of intuitive and psychic information for those who use them. 

Sister Senses

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Clairalience and clairgustance tend to work in tandem with one another to provide information to the intuitive. Clairgustance roughly means “clear tasting.” A clairgustant will taste distinct flavors from seemingly nowhere. These tastes may be related to a deceased loved one’s favorite dishes, or for chefs, they could be clues and guidance about what spices or sauces to include in cooking, what produce to purchase at the grocery store, or even what dishes to prepare for upcoming events. Sometimes mediums will receive information on how someone passes by identifying very particular tastes intuitively.

Clairalience has to do with “clear smelling.” A person who is clairailent acquires intuitive information from their sense of smell. Someone gifted with clairalience likely has a highly-developed sense of smell.

Clairalients may rely on this in their daily occupation- or enjoy using it in hobbies. Creating perfumes or essential oil blends, scented soaps, or candles. They may also be into cooking, too! These intuitives receive information from deceased individuals and associated scents: the smell of an aunt’s perfume, grandpa’s tobacco smoke, granny’s house and her baking. They may also receive information on how to improve something around them, specific essential oils to use in a diffuser or in cleaning products, which shampoo to buy, or even which friend to check in with when they smell their perfume, soap, or cologne.

This sense is strongly tied with memory and emotion due to the way our brains process scent.  Think about clairalience and how it works with our animal companions, how some dogs can use their sense of smell to scent out illness or disease in humans. This is something that strong clairalients can do themselves!

If you receive random smells or taste flavors unexpectedly, there is a good chance that is your clairgustance or clairalience coming through! Also, if you are someone who is a chef, a baker, someone who likes to cook, a sommelier, a perfume maker-these might be the occupations of someone who has either of these intuitive gifts.

For many people, clairgustance and clairalience provide a pleasant rounding out of intuitive abilities. A little extra something to provide clients with, some validation that their loved one is nearby. For others, these gifts are crystal clear, diamond dazzling, and a huge part of what they do each and every day.

Power Up

Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

How can you boost your clairalience or clairgustance?

  1. Play guessing games! Try guessing ingredients in perfumes, or in prepared dishes. When I taught school, we’d use unmarked film canisters with cotton balls inside for a little science experiment. Each cotton ball would contain drops of an essential oil that the students would try to identify. It was a great way to encourage them to rely on their sense of smell by taking the visual component out of it. You could easily replicate this experiment with a little help from a friend. Let someone else do the cooking for the night! Guess what’s for dinner, and what spices were used.
  2. Be careful with your senses…don’t use scented products yourself. Skip the laundry detergent and fabric softener with strong scents and opt for fragrance-free. This will remove one layer of extra scent that your nose has to contend with. Go light on the salt or sugar in your food as well. You don’t want to use too much of any one thing that will overpower your palate. (Hot sauce lovers, I’m looking at you!) You want balance with flavor and an ability to easily taste that balance. Over salting can overpower your sense of taste.
  3. Visualization is always a beautiful practice for intuitive development. Get your hands on a magazine and flip through to a random page. (Digital works fine, too.) Look for an image that you can clearly get a scent from. Close your eyes and picture yourself in the space. What is going on around you? Is there a campfire? What does that smell like? Keep flipping and scent sampling. You can also have a friend write down ten different things for you to smell and repeat this exercise with their list. If they are your intuitive development partner, you can do the same for them! Try this exercise with food and flavor.
  4. Speaking of intuitive development; you can work with a partner or small group by tuning into others’ energy and record what information comes through. Center yourself as you’d ordinarily do, and focus on one individual. See what impressions come through when you focus on your senses. Colors? Sounds? Smells? Tastes? Feelings? This is a very fun exercise to do with a few people, as you may receive some validation on your intuitive hits. You don’t need to be in the same room or even the same place. Give it a shot via technology. Your intuitive development pals don’t need to be living in the same city or same state for you to practice together!
  5. Be mindful as you go through your day. The more you engage your whole sensory system when you are eating, or smelling, the more you build up your clairgustant and clairalient dictionary. Your guides will lean into that to help you make sense of messages that need to come through.

Are you clairalient? Clairgustant? How do these unique gifts manifest for you? These singular psychic senses can be absolutely fascinating and layer a richness to your intuitive work. Let us know in the comment box below if you identify as clairalient or clairgustant!

How Do You Shine? Evergreen Pick-a-Card Reading

I share weekly pick-a-card readings on Instagram and in my Facebook group. I thought I’d extend some of those readings to this platform. This particular reading focuses on a unique quality that makes you shine! Keep reading to check out the results of this intuitive experiment.

This won’t be for everyone. If you feel a pull, scan the photo, close your eyes, take some deep breaths (exhale twice as long), and choose the card that lights you up. Photos and messages are below. This reading uses The Wild Unknown Archetype Deck by Kim Krans.

How do you shine?
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How to Develop Your Clairaudience Easily

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

One of the questions I get asked frequently as an intuitive is: how can I develop my psychic senses? I’ve written several articles about other clairs. Today, the focus is on development of clairaudience or clear hearing.

To recap, the psychic sense of clairaudience often happens inside the brain as an intrusive thought, or in more rare cases, outside the ear as we would typically process hearing. Usually the latter happens when our guides really want our attention.

How to Develop Clairaudience Easily

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Clairaudience: Can you hear me?

Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash

What do you think of when you hear the word, clairaudience? Hearing? Music? The movies? Disembodied voices commanding an unfortunate soul to carry out their sinister orders? Angels appearing clearly before you and sharing messages?

Reality is not as thrilling as what Hollywood would like us to believe. 

In truth, clairaudience often sounds like our own voice, in our own heads. The same voice we use when we are thinking through a problem or talking to ourselves in the aisles of the Piggly Wiggly. Clairaudience isn’t as bombastic as we may anticipate, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t enriching, powerful, or exciting in its own way.

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Fall, Leaves, Fall

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;

Lengthen night and shorten day;

Every leaf speaks bliss to me

Fluttering from the autumn tree.

I shall smile when wreaths of snow

Blossom where the rose should grow;

I shall sing when night’s decay

Ushers in a drearier day.

Emily Brontë

Photo by Zsofia Szalay on Unsplash

Goodbye, Summer.

We’ve crossed the threshold in the Northern Hemisphere.

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Seven Steps to Develop Your Claircognizance Easily

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Claircognizance is a psychic sense defined as “clear knowing.” To someone who identifies as claircognizant, information about people and situations pop into their head, from an unseen and outside or interrupting source. Individuals who are claircognizant may receive correct hunches, but also “downloads” of pure information-in the form of words, phrases, sentences, or long blocks of data. 

Claircognizance can be a tricky psychic sense to work with, as the information received is often correct, but there is nothing tangible in terms of proof, to back it up. For example, clairvoyants might see validating information in the form of faces, people, situations, stories, movies, photographs, or places to help give credence to their messages. Clairaudients may hear voices they can describe in terms of pitch, timbre, speech rhythm, dialects, and other audible mannerisms-as well as the actual message itself. 

Claircognizants just know. This is the realm of pure information.

There are many signs that signal claircognizance is a dominant intuitive sense. There are also many ways to develop your claircognizance, some may be a bit surprising. In this article I’ll cover 7 ways you can work on strengthening your claircognizance.

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Are you Claircognizant? 10 Signs you are!

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Claircognizance is the psychic sense defined as “clear knowing.” People who are claircognizant often have correct gut instincts about people and situations. They are logical and enjoy puzzling over solutions and tinkering with ideas. They know answers to questions without really thinking about them, and may know what others are about to say. 

Claircognizance can be a tricky psychic sense to work with, because interrupting awareness pops into your head, without anything tangible or logical to back up why your scoop is correct.

Here are ten signs that you may be claircognizant:

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Claircognizance: I Know You

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Claircognizance is a spiritual sense defined as clear knowing.

Claircognizance can feel like your own thoughts, but they are interrupting and not necessarily from your own brain. You may pick up on words, phrases, sayings, sentences, and large blocks of information. These can be very intrusive, or it can feel like a thread you need to follow-like yanking a loose bit of yarn from a sweater and it starts to unravel. Words and information can just flow from you. 

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What’s Your Spiritual Name?

A powerful recurring vision I’ve had with clients is about ancestry. This doesn’t always imply blood ties; more often the paths we walk, the ways we honor ourselves, and the seeds inside our hearts that want to bloom open and spill out their petals of purpose, acts of service, or creation. 

This vision always shows lines of humans, one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of them. Up mountainsides, down valleys, stretching across vast deserts, and the deep oceans.

Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

It is a claiming. 

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Ten Signs Your Pet is Visiting You From Heaven

Photo by Ja San Miguel on Unsplash

How can I tell when my deceased pet is near? Will I see my pet in heaven? Does my dead dog miss me? These kinds of questions cross our minds when we lose our special companions. In this article I’ll go over the signs that your pet is visiting you from heaven.

Saying goodbye to a pet is one of life’s greatest sorrows. Even though I am a psychic medium, my abilities do not alleviate the grief that follows the loss of furry family members. Grief is a marker of a life well loved, and its loss. In the thick of it, grief is heavy and personal, and it can feel like your pet is a million miles away. 

But, your pet is closer than you think. 

You don’t have to be a practicing psychic or identify as a medium to receive signs from your pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge. You may even start receiving signs in as few as a couple of hours after your pet’s passing.

Here are 10 signs that your pet is visiting you from their new home.

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How you can Become More Clairvoyant

Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

I was lying in bed with my dog one spring evening. We were alone in the Lake Superior cabin that I love. We’d spent a great day hiking to some local waterfalls and I was tuckered out and content.

My head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes. Immediately, I saw the entire room in my mind’s eye. My attention pulled toward the doorway to the hall, and a man entered the room. He slowly walked toward the bed. He looked very ordinary; short brown hair, lean, average height to slightly above. Mid to late 50’s. He possessed one very unique feature.

His glowing red eyes.

My dog sat up and growled low in his throat, fixated on our late night visitor.

I knew there was no possibility on earth that I was dreaming this.

My dog’s head traced him as he stepped closer to the bed, I saw his movements in my mind at the same time.

He stopped at the edge of the bed. I felt dread wrap its fingers around my heart.

He reached out to me…

I’m going to stop right there, because not all clairvoyant experiences are this heart-pounding!

Clairvoyance has been life altering for me- both the spooky experiences, and the ethereal. 

If it weren’t for my clairvoyant abilities, I never would have seen what heaven looks like. I wouldn’t have been able to see an Archangel, or have developed the ability to spot fellow healers. 

If it wasn’t for clairvoyance, I wouldn’t be as effective in my healing practice.

So, are you interested in boosting your clairvoyant skills? 

In this series on clairvoyance, we’ve talked about what it looks like to see clairvoyantly, and I’ve shared 20 signs that you might be clairvoyant. In this post, let’s look at strategies you can use to boost your clairvoyance, today!

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