Clairvoyance is a psychic sense that means “clear seeing.” Suspect you may be clairvoyant? Here is a list of 20 signs that you may be developing your third eye.
Signs 1-5
- You are a visual person. Not an auditory person, or a person who needs to tinker with things. You prefer visuals, pictures, photos, videos, any kind of illustration. These help you process directions, and to break things down in a way that clicks for your brain.
- You often describe things using the language of sight: “I see what you mean.” A clairaudient may say, “I hear you.” A clairsentient may say, “I feel you.” Your expressive language revolves around the visual.
- Visual details are your thing. You may not remember the sound of the orchestra, or how the orchestra’s music made the hair on your arms stand up, but you remember the details of the musicians’ clothing, their instruments, the details inside the theater. Your memory banks may contain an entire visual story you created while they were playing. Do you remember maps, what people were wearing today, the Macy’s department store window? You probably LOVE Pinterest!
- You are a vivid dreamer. Dream recall is not a problem for you (this may be on the uptick if you are opening up). You remember specific details of who was in your dream, and what certain details of the setting and action looked like. You may see faces of people you do not know, and don’t think you’ve ever seen before. These could be deceased ancestors, guides, or other members of your Spirit Team!
- You imagine plans from start to finish. You see an outcome for projects. People doing jobs, coming together to share in something. You are good at overseeing these plans because you have such an eye for detail. You may be a long-range planner or event planner.