Can you see me?- 20 Signs That You are Clairvoyant

Clairvoyance is a psychic sense that means “clear seeing.” Suspect you may be clairvoyant? Here is a list of 20 signs that you may be developing your third eye.

Signs 1-5

Photo by Lucia Macedo on Unsplash
  1. You are a visual person. Not an auditory person, or a person who needs to tinker with things. You prefer visuals, pictures, photos, videos, any kind of illustration. These help you process directions, and to break things down in a way that clicks for your brain.
  2. You often describe things using the language of sight:  “I see what you mean.” A clairaudient may say, “I hear you.” A clairsentient may say, “I feel you.” Your expressive language revolves around the visual.
  3. Visual details are your thing. You may not remember the sound of the orchestra, or how the orchestra’s music made the hair on your arms stand up, but you remember the details of the musicians’ clothing, their instruments, the details inside the theater. Your memory banks may contain an entire visual story you created while they were playing. Do you remember maps, what people were wearing today, the Macy’s department store window? You probably LOVE Pinterest!
  4. You are a vivid dreamer. Dream recall is not a problem for you (this may be on the uptick if you are opening up). You remember specific details of who was in your dream, and what certain details of the setting and action looked like. You may see faces of people you do not know, and don’t think you’ve ever seen before. These could be deceased ancestors, guides, or other members of your Spirit Team!
  5. You imagine plans from start to finish. You see an outcome for projects. People doing jobs, coming together to share in something. You are good at overseeing these plans because you have such an eye for detail. You may be a long-range planner or event planner.
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Clairvoyance: What is it like to see clairvoyant images?

Photo by Ralph Mayhew on Unsplash

Clairvoyance is likely the most well-known of all the psychic senses. It is the visual psychic sense, the sense associated with our human sense of vision. It is the realm of the third eye, and because of that is suited to slick visuals on the big screen, which is how many of us are familiar with the term clairvoyant. (Or perhaps the line, “I see dead people.”)

Who can forget M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense?

In real life, clairvoyance isn’t nearly as heart-pumping.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t exciting.

Clairvoyance roughly means “clear seeing.” 

As with any psychic sense, energy flows the path of least resistance. If you are someone who is fairly visual in your waking world, you are likely stronger in your clairvoyance than some other psychic senses. And like any psychic skill, clairvoyance can be developed.

What is it like to see clairvoyantly?

Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash

It is honestly a hair’s-breadth away from imagination. Images are mostly seen in your mind’s-eye (third eye). This looks like what you see when you are visualizing the setting and action in a novel you are reading.

Occasionally you see clairvoyantly with your own eyes; something that doesn’t happen as often for me. (Although, I do have a friend who sees earthbound individuals-ghosts-much like Haley Joel Osment’s character in The Sixth Sense. Her case is rather unique, and not many people see the earthbound in this way.)

When I started my awakening, I hadn’t had many clairvoyant experiences, and I was a little scared to. I thought it would look like something out of a horror movie.

I was wrong

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Working with Crystals: The Magic of Crystal Grids

 I was a total rock hound as a kid. I remember the amazing gifts sent from my aunt and uncle; wall hangings with rainbows made of crystal studded pipe cleaners, little heart-shaped rocks embellished with lavender springs and tiny quartz points. When we visited my relatives in Montana, I was enamored in the rock stores. Our big family vacation out west was when I collected my first piece of amethyst. I still have it. 

My first amethyst

As a teenager I moved away from crystals and gravitated toward people. I remember a friend pressing a piece of rose quartz into my palm and asking me to feel the essence of the rock. 

I thought she was a nut. 

Looking back, she was probably telling me I needed a bit more love in my life! 

At this juncture of my life, I am proud to say that yes, I can feel the essence of that rock. I have embraced crystals and their magic, and I hope to share some of their magic with you!

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Leadership and Lessons: Evergreen Pick-a-Card Reading

Every now and again I am called to channel messages for the collective. This pick-a-card reading is one of those times. Keep reading to check out the results of this intuitive experiment.

The decks picked themselves, first animals, then crystals, and finally I Am Powerdeck affirmations. The cards told their own stories, and it became clear this was about leadership energy and lessons of stepping into alignment. This won’t be for everyone. If you feel a pull, scan the photo, close your eyes, take some deep breaths (exhale twice as long), and go with your gut.

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How to Become More Clairsentient

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Want to boost your psychic sense of clairsentience? Clairsentience is the psychic sense known as “clear feeling.” This is the third part of a series of posts on clairsentience. In part one, I introduced how energy follows the path of least resistance. For clairsentients, this includes sensing physiological reactions in the body as well as experiencing emotions in response to an outside and unseen stimulus. In part two, I shared 25 signs that you might be clairsentient, and not realize it! In this final post on clairsentience, I am going to share some tips and practices to help you develop the gift of your psychic feeling.

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Test Your Intuition: Pick-A-Card Reading

Evergreen Reading 08/23/21

I thought it might be fun to try a little experiment. We’ve been talking about clairsentience, why not test your gut instinct? Let’s see how you work with your intuition…

From: The Wild Unknown Archetypes

Close your eyes. Go within. Take some deep breaths, make your exhale twice as long as the inhale. When ready, open your eyes and choose the card from the photo above that resonates the most with you. Is it a feeling in your gut, a pure knowing? Did you hear an inner voice urging you to pick a pile? If more than one card is calling to you, take the messages. 

Number one is left, two is the middle, and three is the right. Scroll below for descriptors. Take what resonates, and leave the rest. Cards and their channeled messages are revealed below…

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Are you Clairsentient? -25 Signs you can feel

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Clairsentience is the psychic sense known as “clear feeling.” In the first post on this clair, I mentioned how energy follows the path of least resistance. For clairsentients, this includes sensing physiological reactions in the body as well as experiencing emotions in response to an outside and unseen stimulus. In Part 2, we are going to review 25 signs that you might be clairsentient.

Signs 1-5

  1. You identify as sensitive. 

How often have you heard, “you’re too sensitive?” Too many to count? This phrase is often shared by others as a way to highlight your uniqueness (and probably not in a kind way). Sometimes you feel like it’s all too overwhelming, and other times you embrace your empathic nature. Either way, you FEEL. 

You feel all the things. People’s emotions, the drama that went down in the conference room before you walked in, the news, break-up ballads, commercials, causes, other folks’ eyes on you. You are a highly sensitive person (HSP) all the way around.

2. You are observant.

Whatever its origins, you are a watcher. You would have been the lookout who caught the first whiff of danger for our paleolithic ancestors. Cliff! Saber-tooth cat! You are observant of people’s behavior and notice tiny details in your environment that others overlook.

3. You may identify as an introvert.

You recharge your batteries during alone time. Being on your own helps bring you some clarity while other people’s stuff gets cleared out from your aura during quiet time. You may also need more time alone after energy clearing to rebalance and replenish your energy supply. Oh hello, there you are!

4. People spill the tea.

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

You have folks knocking on your door, wanting to share their latest family drama. You may find getting work done a challenge because you are constantly interrupted by colleagues coming to chat with you. Strangers may stop you on the bus to tell you about their lives. By holding space for others, you are gifting them a healing with your clairsentience, and your presence. You may wind up learning way more about people than you are comfortable with!

5. You have an open mind.

You try to hear all sides of a situation and not judge. It’s part of what makes you a great listener. Some folks may get upset because you don’t land on the side of the fence that they want you to. You do your best to truly understand others regardless.

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What does it feel like to be Clairsentient?

Photo by Gert Stockmans on Unsplash

Clairsentience is the most natural, grounding, and enriching intuitive sense I’ve worked with. Perhaps because it is so helpful in fostering relationships with others in daily life, as well as connecting us to other unseen energy frequencies. At its heart, clairsentience is very human.

Of all the clairs, this psychic sense is one of the simpler ones to access. 

However, it’s important to remember that when developing your psychic skills, energy follows the path of least resistance. (So, it may not be for everyone.)

What is clairsentience?

Clairsentience in psychic circles is defined as “clear feeling.” In my book that’s both a physical sensation and an emotional feeling. Some folks may separate the two, but in my experience clairsentience can be defined as when I feel physiological reactions in my body and in my emotions, to things that are unseen and outside of myself.

Let’s take that a step further. Someone who experiences clairsentience is known as a clairsentient. They may also call themselves an empath. This means they are incredibly empathetic, a big feeler, and probably a huge softie at heart. Empaths or clairsentients can feel energies outside of themselves through emotions and sensations in their physical bodies.

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Intuition 101: We all can connect

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

The sweet taste of a ripe mango. The hoot of an owl. Sunrise on a mountaintop. A massage. The scent of your grandma’s perfume. 

We take in multitudes of sensory information from our environment via our five senses. Our five senses work in tandem with our brains, and messages in our cells, to react in pleasure or pain to stimuli around us. This biological system that helps keep us safe from threats by gathering information from the world around us, also serves to keep us grounded in our bodily human escapades, and combined with our cognition, provides us with a gamut of experiences that enrich our human lives.

The Other Side of the Mirror

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

We have spirit senses that mirror the earthly and bodily senses too. These senses are often referred to in new age terminology as “clairs,” from the french word, clair or “clear.” Like our five senses, they help us make meaning of stimuli; they can be used to keep us safe and grounded, allow us to meaningfully connect with others, and they help to enrich our daily human adventures.

Many folks may recognize some of these terms, either from pop culture as plot devices in movies, TV shows, or novels, from friends or family- or perhaps from their own psychic exploration. 

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The Spiritual Significance of Owls

Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash

I woke from dreamless sleep to an owl’s cries outside my bedroom window. I was in the woods on Lake Superior in October. As its calls plucked my consciousness from the void, my soul shivered. Breathing suspended. The moment crystallized. Within my bones bloomed a deep recognition.

The owl called again.

It was then I knew my friend was going to die.

(You can read about her story in the Night Workers post, right here.)

Who’s Who?

Photo by Taleon Pinheiro on Unsplash

Owls have a rather polarizing reputation. Depending on where you live, your beliefs, your culture, you may revere the owl, or fear the owl. (Or in the case of some of my bird nerd friends, they will stick to enjoying owls as raptors, thank you very much.) 

Owls are fascinating. Their fluffy flight feathers make them nearly silent as they stalk their prey, their luminous eyes are immobile, boosting depth perception to extremes, and they are crowned by that gloriously absurd head rotation. (But, a field mouse would then notice the beak-and the claws, the asymmetrical ears-the better to hear you with, my sweet.)

Owls are pretty cool. We loved them in the Harry Potter books and films. Pop culture has helped cast the birds into some specific niches, which has reinforced our own ideas about them.  

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Are you a Night Worker? Stories and Signs

Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

If you’re intrigued by dreams, astral-projection, or lucid dreaming, you may be familiar with the concept of night working. Perhaps you identify as a night worker yourself.

Night workers, not to be confused with light workers, play an important duty in the dream world. 

A night worker’s evening may look something like this: You go to sleep, begin your dream time, and find yourself in a nursing home, a hospital, a therapist’s office, a classroom, maybe even outside-and quite simply, you help people who need it.

night work = astral projection + healing work

Night workers’ nights can mirror their days. Therapists hold spaces for clients. Teachers help children. Doctors operate. Mediums cross over the deceased. Reiki masters heal.

The exception is, these healers may or may not know their night clients. Oftentimes night workers are helping total strangers.

Unless they aren’t.

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I came out of the Spiritual Closet, again. My profile picture on my woo woo IG account is now my actual face and not some random close-up of a north woods birch tree. If people from my mid-sized city take a gander, they’ll recognize me, as much as they may recognize a camera-shy introvert (I like taking pictures, not being in them).

Cue the double take. “Isn’t that…?”

I was a public school teacher for 16 years.

Until this month. 

I’m now a free agent, so here I am.


My former colleagues, families, and students who stumble across this page may recognize the camera-shy, introverted, and calm teacher. And they may not like this version of me. But, it’s time to step into alignment.

I’ve been moving down this road for a while now, dodging behind trees and scraggly bushes, staying hidden in the dark, occasionally stepping into a moonlit patch of grass when I encountered a similar wandering soul. Those conversations were often brief, until I started to find others who were like me.

My close friends and family knew I was “woo woo” the first time I came out, about ten years ago. It was a scary awakening (I was raised to respect science, not the unexplained new feelings exploding out of my body-hello synesthesia, or the visions of deceased people coming to me at night). I managed to learn to deal with some of these abilities and random experiences, and most of my folks were supportive, even if some didn’t agree. I figured out quickly who I was opening up to, and who I wasn’t. 

So here I am. The anxiety is high again. People can actually see me, and I’ve spent so many years hiding.

I’m equal parts wired and thrilled. It’s taken a decade to get here, and the last several years I’ve felt like I have been pulling myself out of sticky thick quicksand. I may be thoroughly coated in mud, but I am putting my face out to the general public. Finally, owning The Weird. Embracing who I am and dropping the facade.

So here it is: Hello everyone! I am Andrea Graham, an Intuitive Healer and Psychic. I can sense emotions, feel energy, see and hear messages from spirit guides and angels, and I receive information in intuitive downloads. (Did I mention I love long walks in the woods, crystals, and everything Tarot?)

I hope to be connecting more with you all soon. Let’s talk Awakening for those who are just starting their journeys. Tarot spreads. What creates a good healer. And boundaries for the wayward night walkers who wake you out of a deep sleep. (Being a Kindergarten teacher really helped with boundary setting.)

While there may always be folks I still omit truths to, there will be a little less hiding behind paper thin birch skin on this new path. Glad to be with you, woo woo crew. See you in the woods.