Leadership and Lessons: Evergreen Pick-a-Card Reading

Every now and again I am called to channel messages for the collective. This pick-a-card reading is one of those times. Keep reading to check out the results of this intuitive experiment.

The decks picked themselves, first animals, then crystals, and finally I Am Powerdeck affirmations. The cards told their own stories, and it became clear this was about leadership energy and lessons of stepping into alignment. This won’t be for everyone. If you feel a pull, scan the photo, close your eyes, take some deep breaths (exhale twice as long), and go with your gut.

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Test Your Intuition: Pick-A-Card Reading

Evergreen Reading 08/23/21

I thought it might be fun to try a little experiment. We’ve been talking about clairsentience, why not test your gut instinct? Let’s see how you work with your intuition…

From: The Wild Unknown Archetypes

Close your eyes. Go within. Take some deep breaths, make your exhale twice as long as the inhale. When ready, open your eyes and choose the card from the photo above that resonates the most with you. Is it a feeling in your gut, a pure knowing? Did you hear an inner voice urging you to pick a pile? If more than one card is calling to you, take the messages. 

Number one is left, two is the middle, and three is the right. Scroll below for descriptors. Take what resonates, and leave the rest. Cards and their channeled messages are revealed below…

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