Cutting Cords

Photo by Vitaliy Rigalovsky on Unsplash

We’ve all been there, in that space where you can’t shake someone from your head. 

Those unwanted intrusive thoughts that keep popping up over a spat with a sibling, or long term family drama with a parent. Perhaps it’s an unresolved romantic relationship occupying your mental real-estate, or a long-term friend who has wounded you. You may be stuck in workplace drama, surrounded by difficult administrators, narcissistic coworkers, or challenging clients. Or maybe someone from your childhood has been living in your headspace, rent-free for the last 30 years! 

Any situationship or relationship that stirs up feelings of distress, disappointment, or even trauma can be addressed in a cord cutting session. 

Cord cutting sessions happen to be my favorite intuitive healing practice as a clinician, and as a client nothing makes me more light and clear-headed!

So, what are cord cutting sessions and how do they work?

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The Aura Cleanse Spread

Tarot Spread for Aura Cleansing
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Do you ever have those days where you wake up and everything is off? You know what I’m talking about…THAT kind of day, when you feel drained, cranky, forgetful, and extremely sensitive. You check: you got a good night’s sleep, you’re exercising, hormones aren’t the culprit, and you ate well last night.

What gives?

Our interactions with others can have a huge impact on how we feel.

Daily, we are bombarded by information from the news, Internet, and social media. We get advice from well-intentioned co-workers, friends, and family members. There are the folks who aren’t so well-intentioned, you know the ones I am talking about; those that you try to avoid bumping into in the checkout. Later, you’re cooking dinner and remember that you have to make a meal for your son’s entire hockey team tomorrow. And our own voices join the general din, often going unnoticed and not extending the same love and light towards ourselves that we make a practice of sharing with others.

The daily grind can cause us to operate the way a computer does when it has too many windows open at the same time, too many programs operating at once, or the memory is just running out of space.

Eventually something is going to give.

But, what if it doesn’t have to? 

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What’s Your Spiritual Name?

A powerful recurring vision I’ve had with clients is about ancestry. This doesn’t always imply blood ties; more often the paths we walk, the ways we honor ourselves, and the seeds inside our hearts that want to bloom open and spill out their petals of purpose, acts of service, or creation. 

This vision always shows lines of humans, one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of them. Up mountainsides, down valleys, stretching across vast deserts, and the deep oceans.

Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

It is a claiming. 

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Are you a Night Worker? Stories and Signs

Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

If you’re intrigued by dreams, astral-projection, or lucid dreaming, you may be familiar with the concept of night working. Perhaps you identify as a night worker yourself.

Night workers, not to be confused with light workers, play an important duty in the dream world. 

A night worker’s evening may look something like this: You go to sleep, begin your dream time, and find yourself in a nursing home, a hospital, a therapist’s office, a classroom, maybe even outside-and quite simply, you help people who need it.

night work = astral projection + healing work

Night workers’ nights can mirror their days. Therapists hold spaces for clients. Teachers help children. Doctors operate. Mediums cross over the deceased. Reiki masters heal.

The exception is, these healers may or may not know their night clients. Oftentimes night workers are helping total strangers.

Unless they aren’t.

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